August 16, 2023 Author: John Samuel

Behind the Designs: A Day in an Interior Designer’s Life

Interior design is more than just picking out throw pillows and paint colours. It’s an intricate dance of understanding space, function, and aesthetic appeal. But what does a day in the life of an interior designer really look like? Let’s dive in!

an intricate dance of understanding space

Morning: Site Visits and Consultations

For an interior designer, mornings are typically reserved for immersing themselves in the spaces they’re working on.

The essence of a site visit

Stepping into a space for the first time, a designer gets to truly feel its potential. They see where the sun hits, how the room flows, and where focal points naturally emerge. It’s like meeting someone new and getting that first impression. Remember the first time you walked into your home? That rush of possibilities? That’s what a designer feels, but amplified.

Importance of client consultations

After a site visit, it’s time to sit down with clients. Understanding their dreams, needs, and even quirks is vital. After all, what’s a space without the people who live in it? Think of it like a first date, where you’re trying to learn as much as possible about the other person. A designer aims to capture their client’s essence and reflect it in their space.

Site Visits and Consultations

Late Morning: Design Development

As the day progresses, the designer shifts into creation mode.

Ideation and brainstorming

This is where the magic starts. With the client’s desires in mind and the site’s specifics clear, the designer dreams, thinks, and imagines. Ever tried to visualise a dream holiday destination based on stories? It’s kind of like that, but with furniture, textures, and colours.

Sketching and 3D modelling

Now, the ideas take shape. From rough sketches to intricate 3D models, the designer visualises the final outcome. It’s like watching your favourite book be adapted into a movie.

designer shifts into creation mode

Afternoon: Sourcing and Procurement

This part is all about bringing the vision to life.

Navigating supplier relationships

Working with suppliers is crucial. It’s not just about picking items from a catalogue; it’s about negotiation, ensuring quality, and timely delivery. Ever tried organising a big event or a wedding? You know the drill!

Picking the perfect piece

Sometimes, finding the right piece of furniture or decor is like searching for a needle in a haystack. But when it’s found, it’s pure bliss. Remember the satisfaction of finding that one missing puzzle piece?

Sourcing and Procurement

Late Afternoon: Administration and Coordination

With design comes paperwork and coordination.

Keeping track with project management tools

Like a maestro conducting an orchestra, a designer ensures every piece falls into place at the right time. Have you ever tried juggling? It feels just like that, but with emails, schedules, and budgets.

Client communications and feedback

Open lines of communication are vital. It’s a two-way street where feedback is welcomed and adjustments are made. It’s like baking a cake and adjusting the sweetness based on a taste test.

Client communications and feedback

Evening: Networking and Continuing Education

The day doesn’t end when the sun sets.

Building industry connections

Networking events, gala dinners, or simple coffee chats—they all contribute to a designer’s growth. Think of it as catching up with old friends and making some new ones.

Lifelong learning in interior design

The design world is ever-evolving. Attending workshops, webinars, and courses keeps a designer at the top of their game. Remember going back to school for that workshop? The thrill of learning something new? Designers experience that often.

Networking and Continuing Education


A day in the life of an interior designer is a rich tapestry of creativity, communication, and constant learning. They don’t just design spaces; they craft stories, build dreams, and make everyday life a tad bit more beautiful. So the next time you walk into a beautifully designed room, remember the effort, passion, and sheer will that went into creating it.

Discover more about interior design on our website at

interior designer is a rich tapestry of creativity


  1. What tools do interior designers commonly use?

    They use a mix of digital software like CAD, 3D modelling tools, and traditional tools like sketches and mood boards.

  2. How often do designers visit a site?

    It varies based on project needs, but the initial, midterm, and final stages are common touchpoints.

  3. Do designers always work with the same suppliers?

    Not necessarily. They cultivate a network but always look for new and innovative sources.

  4. Is networking essential for an interior designer?

    Absolutely. It helps them stay updated, find new opportunities, and build collaborations.

  5. Can anyone become an interior designer?

    With passion and the right training, yes! It’s a blend of creativity, technical knowledge, and people skills.