May 17, 2023 Author: John Samuel

9 Trends for Interior Designers Using Indoor Grand Fountains

Indoor grand fountains have long been a symbol of luxury and elegance, and they continue to be a popular feature in interior design. From large hotel lobbies to high-end residential properties, these stunning water features add a touch of grandeur to any space. As an interior designer, incorporating an indoor grand fountain into your project can elevate the overall design and create a truly unique atmosphere. In this article, we’ll explore 9 of the latest trends for interior designers using indoor grand fountains.

fountains have long been a symbol of luxury and elegance

Natural Stone Fountains

Natural stone fountains are a popular choice for adding a touch of natural beauty to interior spaces. Materials such as marble and sandstone can create a luxurious and sophisticated look, while also providing a calming and relaxing atmosphere with the sound of flowing water.

marble and sandstone can create a luxurious and sophisticated look

Statement Pieces

Interior designers are using grand fountains as statement pieces in their designs, incorporating them into the overall theme of the space. A grand fountain can be the centrepiece of a room, creating a focal point that draws the eye and adds an element of grandeur.

Interior designers are using grand fountains

Waterfall Features

Waterfall features are a modern trend that can add a touch of contemporary style to any interior design project. With their sleek lines and cascading water, waterfall features can create a relaxing and tranquil atmosphere.

sleek lines and cascading water

Custom Designs

Custom-designed grand fountains are becoming increasingly popular in interior design. Working with a skilled artisan, designers can create unique and one-of-a-kind water features that perfectly complement the overall design of a space.

Custom-designed grand fountains are becoming increasingly popular

Incorporating Art

Incorporating art into grand fountain designs is another trend that has gained popularity in recent years. From incorporating sculptures and statues to adding intricate mosaics, art can add an element of sophistication and style to a grand fountain.

Incorporating art into grand fountain designs is another trend

LED Lighting

LED lighting is a popular choice for illuminating indoor grand fountains. Lighting can be used to highlight the natural beauty of the fountain and create a stunning visual effect.

Lighting can be used to highlight the natural beauty

Multi-level Fountains

Multi-level fountains are a trend that can add a touch of drama to any interior space. With their multiple tiers and cascading water, these fountains can create a stunning visual display that adds an element of grandeur to any room.

Multi-level fountains are a trend

Unique Water Features

Interior designers are using unique water features to create a truly one-of-a-kind space. From incorporating multiple fountains into a single design to creating fountains that incorporate fire features, the possibilities are endless.

water features to create a truly one-of-a-kind space

Low-Maintenance Options

Finally, interior designers are increasingly choosing low-maintenance options for indoor grand fountains. With advancements in technology and materials, there are many options available that require little upkeep and maintenance, allowing the fountain to be a stunning and functional feature of the space.

choosing low-maintenance options for indoor grand fountains

Incorporating an indoor grand fountain into an interior design project can create a truly unique and luxurious space. From natural stone fountains to custom-designed pieces, the possibilities are endless. By incorporating the latest trends in indoor grand fountain design, interior designers can create spaces that are both stunning and functional. Contact Marblising for more information on incorporating indoor grand fountains into your interior design projects.