July 28, 2021 Author: Admin

Shedding Light Into The Pink Portugal Marble With Pablo Atchugarry

If perfection and dedication had a name, it would be Pablo Atchugarry!

Wondering why?

Pablo Atchugarry’s unique sculptures speak of the geological movements that formed the mountains and gave birth to metals and minerals.

@Fundacion Pablo Atchugarry

He writes stories with Marble. His stunning sculptures elevate the beauty and simplicity of the natural stone.

Ever since he made his first sculpture with Carrara – one of the purest forms of Italian Marble, he has been working exclusively with this stone for his sculptures.

simplicity of the natural stone

His remarkable pieces have now been displayed in various international museums and galleries.

So do you believe us now? 

We bet you do!

Okay, moving on. 

The Team at Marblising got the opportunity to interview Pablo Atchugarry while taking a walk through the open-air market of the former Roman emperor.

 Here are a few questions we asked him during the interview:

Why did you choose to work with bronze? What difference has it made in your approach? 

The color drew my attention! Working with Marble is difficult at times since it is delicate in comparison to bronze. The approach is more or less the same, just the material has a distinct warmth in terms of color, pattern, and style.

Choose to work with bronze

Why Carrara and Pink Portugal Marble?

I’m fascinated by the way light and chiaroscuro interplay with Carrara Marble. And not every Marble has got this! The spark in Carrara Marble is distinct.

chiaroscuro interplay with Carrara Marble

If you look at Carrara’s history, great sculptor Michelangelo crafted his masterpieces with Carrara Marble. For the past two thousand years, artists have been working with this stone. 

I discovered colored white Marble statues while touring the Greek Acropolis. And this is when I realized, “why not use Marble, which is already painted?”


As you might be aware, femininity is prominent in my art; and the pink Marble of Portugal perfectly blends well with my work!

How would you describe your artwork and practices?

I am a carver. I try to develop an idea, convert it into a drawing, and then put life into it. 

I have assistants, but I prefer to do the carving myself. The assistants help me a lot while assembling, removing, and packing the piece.

Hollis Taggart
@Hollis Taggart

It took me six years to gain related knowledge and learn skills. If I didn’t have my trajectory, I would never be able to create these sculptures. 

Space and light are so important to you. How would you show the work in an open-air market?

The relationship with light is significant in my line of work. You can see right through the Marble.

Miami Herald
@Miami Herald

But the sculptures will make it possible to create a closer interaction with the space.

It was indeed an informative and interesting conversation with Pablo Atchugarry!

Believe us, his perspective, experience, creativity, and perfection with Marble were a treat to our eyes and ears.

Are you planning to elevate the elegance of your living space with Marble? 

We at Marblising can assure you that our beautiful Marble products will surely live up to your expectations.

Visit our website now!